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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What to Look For in Buzz Haircuts

Trends are ever changing in the haircutting industry. One style that has prevailed over the years is buzz haircuts. This style can be difficult to master depending on the style of cut due to the varying lengths associated with this style. If you are going into the military, you can expect to have to get a buzz cut. Not all buzz cuts are short in length. Buzz hair cuts are long and short.

Depending on the length of the cut, there a attachments to keep a longer buzz cut or a shorter buzz cut. Also, some styles require you to only trim up or buzz just the sides. Because of the amount of time it takes to wash and style this cut, many times parents have their kids get this cut. Kids seem to like it as well as it is quick and easy to do themselves.

People from the average everyday Joe on up to celebrity status have sported this style as this eliminates the need to worry about how their hair looks. Going to hair style such as a buzz cut can define and accentuate their facial features. Ones self-confidence seems to be higher for some people with a cut like this.

Knowing what it is your looking for or wanting will help determine if your experience is going to be a positive one or not. One process that you should be watching for is how well of a fade did the barber do. A fade is how well the barber was able to blend the neckline up. There should not be any visible distinctions. Any distinctions, bad trims around the back of the neck, or around the ears is not a good sign of experience.

Call ahead and set an appointment to have haircut. In doing this, your barber can spend a little more time on you rather than fitting you in between cuts or on his or her way out. Consulting with your barber about a style is a good idea. They will have some insight and experience that may prove invaluable in your decision of how to go go about and try a different haircut style.

In wanting to try a new hair style, you may want to look at different options in magazines, hair styling books, or even on the world wide web. In the Internet, you can download photos or send them to your phone in which you can take any of this media to your barber and check if it's a style that could be done on you or if it is even a style in which they can do.

There is a lot to be said for someone who tips well. A good tip for a barber would be 25% to 35%. Where as someone who does not tip very well will not get as much detail and/or attention needed. Barbers rely on good tips as it is a large part of their lively hood.

Buzz haircuts do not require a lot maintenance and are quick to fashion. If you do not have much time to dedicate to put forth in your hair due to work schedules, sports, or just do not want to bother with it much, then a buzz hair cut may be for you. Ensure your barber can take care of you and the style you are wanting to get. Relay your expectations and remember to take care of your barber so that he or she will take care of you.


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fashion haircuts: What to Look For in Buzz Haircuts